In the interest of full transparency, Old Orchard Farm is self reporting 1 positive case of Strangles (Streptococcus equi equi) confirmed on farm yesterday, Wednesday June 21st 2023.  

The facts are as follows:

In the late afternoon of Sunday June 19th a 10 year old welsh/thoroughbred pony mare owned by Old Orchard Farm presented with an enlarged lymph node and a temperature of 38℃. Upon discovery the pony was removed from her herd and relocated to a closed stall at the end of the barn isle. 

On Monday morning the pony was moved to full isolation and a nasopharyngeal swab was sent for culture and testing. The same day cautionary measures were put in place to isolate pasture mates and those who shared a fence line, along with daily temperature checks for those horses and a number others. Lessons and part board rides were also cancelled to minimize movement of horses on the farm.

On Wednesday June 21st positive test results were confirmed. 

At this time no other horses on the property have spiked a temperature or shown signs of illness and full biosecurity measures including voluntary movement restrictions* have been implemented and will continue to be refined as we move forward. The positive case has remained bright throughout and has now maintained a normal temperature since Tuesday morning. At this time we do not know from whom or where the positive case originated.

We hope that being upfront and honest from the start is helpful and eliminates some of the uncertainty that comes from hearing these things second hand. Please know that we will continue to take these measures seriously and follow all advice from our veterinary team to reduce the risk of transmission. 

As a result our July 3rd Schooling Show will regrettably be cancelled.

*Meaning no horses will come or go from the farm until cleared by our veterinary team. 

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