Late Winter Quarterly Newsletter

Late Winter Quarterly Newsletter

Behind the Stall Door: Morton’s Miss Kitty She is the pony of many names, but if you’ve spent any time talking with proud owner Nyla Wulfers Joyce about Chloe, you might know her best by the adorable and adoring moniker “My Pony.” The affection with which Nyla speaks...
Inaugural Erika Lamb Hunter Medal

Inaugural Erika Lamb Hunter Medal

Congratulations to Mackenzie Carroll for winning the first annual Erika Lamb Hunter Medal during yesterday’s show! Thank you to Robyn Baechler and Yvonne Busby for their assistance, and Scott and Juliette Lamb for joining us and presenting the ribbons! The class had a...
Set Up for Show Season Weekend April 29-30

Set Up for Show Season Weekend April 29-30

Spring is here and it is time to pull out all the jumps and get the farm ready for the 2017 show season. On April 29 & 30th we will be hosting the third annual Set Up for Show Season at Old Orchard Farm with a 9 am start. We want to gather as many people as we can...
System Fencing & Tack Shop 30th Anniversary Event!

System Fencing & Tack Shop 30th Anniversary Event!

Founded in 1987, our friends at System Fencing and Tack Shop share a 30th Anniversary with Old Orchard Farm! This Friday and Saturday they are inviting all equine enthusiasts to join them for a celebration, customer appreciation and sale event at their Rockwood...
Register for March Break Camp

Register for March Break Camp

March Break Camp There will be a Super March Break camp for intermediate and advanced riders this year which will focus on Show preparation. Are you ready to ride two or three mounts per day and watch informative videos?   Sign up at the link below! Register...